Don’t miss Raising Financially Fit Kids; this engaging and relevant webinar is a great resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers of young people. Learn how to start money conversations with your children early on, including topics to focus on, teachable moments in daily life, and so much more.
We have fresh topics every month, so be sure to check out our webinar schedule to see what’s coming up.
Find ‘Fin Lit’ Resources That Suit Their Learning Style
Sometimes the type of resource is as important as the subject matter itself. Consider the individual you’re trying to help. If you have a technologically fluent young person who’s working, attending school, living a busy life, or maybe all three at once, giving them a 300-page book on managing their personal finances might not be the best way to engage them. Ditto with lecturing them about all of the mistakes you made when you walked up hill to school both ways.
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