Dear Dave,
On your show, you’re always talking about accumulating piles of cash. I’ve gone to church my entire life, and I know for a fact the Bible says not to lay up treasures on earth. Doesn’t that mean we shouldn’t be greedy or accumulate wealth?
Dear Lawrence,
The Bible also says in Proverbs that in the house of the wise there are stores of choice food and oil. I appreciate your concern, but when I talk about “piles of cash,” my frame of reference is that we’re to handle our money and other possessions for good and for God. It’s not about greed, or to show off or to use it just to buy bigger and better things for ourselves.
If you look back through scripture, you’ll find many of the Bible’s major characters were wealthy people, who understood they were not the owners of the money and wealth. They understood God owned it all, and their job was to manage it all properly for God’s glory.
But here’s the thing. You can’t do good if you don’t have the resources to do good.
— Dave
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