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What Retirement Accounts Can Be Held Jointly?

While bank accounts and many other financial accounts can be jointly owned, retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s are inherently…

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Essential Businesses Bear The Brunt Of ERC Denials, Tax Pros Say.

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) – sometimes called the Employee Retention Tax Credit or ERTC – is a refundable tax…

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FAFSA For 2025-2026 Set To Open On December 1 After Soft Launch Period

The Department of Education announced that the 2025 - 2026 Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be available…

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How to do a balance transfer with Chase

Key takeaways If you want to consolidate high-interest credit card debt, transferring a balance to a Chase credit card with…

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How the Federal Reserve impacts personal loans

Bloomberg Creative/Getty Images July Fed meeting On July 31, 2024, the FOMC decided to hold steady on interest rates. The…

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3 Upcoming Student Loan Forgiveness Dates Could Have Big Implications For Borrowers

Student loan forgiveness continues to be a major topic in national discourse as the Biden administration works to implement relief…

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States With Tax Breaks for Renters: Do You Qualify?

“Tax breaks for renters are different from homeowners,” said Aaron Cirksena, CEO and Founder of MDRN Capital. “To qualify, renters need…

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Can Employers Recover Their Attorneys’ Fees In ERC Refund Litigation?

In a recent news release, the IRS announced that it intends to deny “tens of thousands” of ERC refund claims…

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Taming The AI Wild West In The Corporate Legal, Tax And Risk Departments

After 18 months of non-stop hype and rapid-fire launches of new, easily accessible consumer-facing tools, it may seem like everyone…

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The FATCA Wars: Jenny’s Day In Court

In the latest In the Pages video, Filippo Noseda, legal counsel for U.K. citizen Jenny Webster, and Robert Goulder discuss…

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