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The State of Mental Health 2022

Study Summary 90% of Americans believe taking care of their mental health is important. 56% are concerned about their mental…

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NFTs: The Crypto Art Craze Explained

Every now and then, there are really weird collecting trends that pop up and people go crazy over because they…

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How to Set Boundaries: 7 Simple Steps

I’ll come out of the gate swinging. The difference between someone who is well and whole and someone who is…

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Stimulus Update: Inflation Stimulus Check?

Social distancing, remote learning, stimulus payments—the COVID-19 pandemic introduced us all to lots of new concepts. And while the 6-foot…

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SBA Microloans: A Comprehensive Guide

You might consider an SBA microloan if you’re trying to start a business or expand your current small business. These…

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What to Write in a Thank-You Email After an Interview

You’ve aced your interview. Great job! But there’s one last step to getting hired, and it’s tiny but mighty. If…

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Discover the Best SBA Lenders of 2024

SBA loans are managed by banks as well as various online and nonprofit lenders. The Small Business Administration (SBA), which…

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Budget Travel: What Are the Cheapest Days to Fly?

Traveling on a budget? Timing is everything—especially when you’re booking a plane ticket. These days, flying in general has gotten crazy…

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UltraFICO: Ultra Ridiculous – Ramsey

If you’ve been around here for more than two seconds, you probably already know how we feel about credit scores.…

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Overcoming the Student Loan Crisis

There’s an uncomfortable situation we need to look at in this country . . . the student loan crisis. This debt…

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