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6 Tips to Get Back on Track With Investing

It happens to most of us. In the beginning, you’re excited about investing. You’re learning where to put your money,…

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Money, Marriage, and Communication – Ramsey

STUDY SUMMARY Money is the number one issue married couples argue about. 86% of couples who got married in the…

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How Does a Financial Advisor Get Paid? Should You Use One?

If you’re new to the world of investing, you’re probably wondering whether you need the help of a financial advisor.…

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The Truth About Payday Loans

We’ve all seen them. Bright yellow and red signs with promises of instant cash to help you get to payday.…

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How to Prepare for a Meeting with a Financial Planner

Preparing for your first meeting with a financial planner? Congrats! That’s a big step! It’s no secret that a lot…

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Moving Checklist: How to Make a Smooth Move

Moving is hard work. Packing all your stuff, helping your kids and pets make the transition, and loading a moving…

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What Is an Underwater Mortgage and What Are Your Options?

If you’re underwater on your mortgage, that means you owe more on your home than it’s worth. That’s not a…

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What Is Financial Planning? – Ramsey

As the old saying goes: Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. And we want you to succeed. That’s why…

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The State of Debt Among Americans

STUDY SUMMARY The average American consumer debt load is $34,055. Generation X has the most debt on average, but Millennials…

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What to Look for During the Open Enrollment Period

Open enrollment—it’s one of the most important seasons of the year. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come with pumpkins or presents—mostly just…

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